Welcome to Julia Record, the Global Director of Communications and Partnerships at Dorchester Collection, and this week’s Cultural Comms ‘Five Minutes with…’ Summer Special interviewee.

With over 30 years of luxury, lifestyle and travel communications experience, Julia is featured regularly in PRWeek UK's Power Book and was named one of Walpole’s top 50 ‘Most Influential People in the British luxury sector’ in 2020.

Take a look at her warm-weather insights below…

If you weren’t the Global Director of Communications and Partnerships at Dorchester Collection, you’d be...? 

I have a rather eclectic range of fantasy jobs: an ambassador, a barrister or running a specialist retail company specialising in trolleys as I’m obsessed with their functionality combined with often exquisite design.

What do you see as the most significant trends shaping the luxury hospitality landscape this summer? 

Working nomads, entertaining self-improvement, outdoor experiences and branded residences.

Where is your favourite al fresco drinking and dining spot? 

It has to be the Rooftop at The Dorchester with its stunning views over Hyde Park, the city skyline and garden-inspired cocktails.

Where will you be holidaying this year and why? 

I’m off to Portugal for the second time this summer and I had wonderful short breaks earlier this year where I fell in love all over again with the modernist architecture of Palm Springs, the mystique of Venice and the dramatic scenery of Rio.

What's your essential travel must-have? 

A light silk bag in case my suitcase can’t contain any unexpected shopping splurges! One must always be prepared…

Have you ever had a ‘lightbulb’ moment related to your business or career while taking some downtime? 

I’ve got some ideas on combining private enterprise with community and charity, so watch this space!
